WSF Bulletin

January 28th 2008


Tell and show to the world how was your Global Day of Action!

    1) Upload multimedia coverage of your action
    2) Update information and pictures of your action
    3) Invite people to join

1) Upload multimedia coverage of your action

To tell the story of this diverse and decentralized World Social Forum 2008, we invite you to build the memory of actions in your city, country or region with texts, images and sounds.

Using WSF tools and websites, you can publish pictures, videos, pamphlets or audio files.

    - If you are a registered user of, use the WSF Blog to publish news and pictures about your action, telling the story of the GDA in a collective space. To post new content on the WSF Blog, first make sure you're logged in and then visit

    - Use to upload videos recorded during your action. You can request FTP address to upload high resolution videos: write to

    - Use your Action Space to create news, pictures, media clipping or to upload audio files and pamphlets related to your action. Just login to the website, visit your Action Space and use the right side menu to create content.

    - Send reports about your action or media clipping to

2) Update information and pictures of your action

You or some other participant of your action might have taken pictures during January 26th. Besides publishing the pictures on Action Spaces or on the blog, you can use one of these pictures as your action's image.

    - Login to the
    - Go to your action page
    - Click on “Edit” tab and upload a new picture

In order to have an estimated number of how many people have participated on the Global Day of Action, we ask every person that has presented an action on the website to edit the "expected turnout" of their action, placing the amount of people that took part in your action.

    - Login to the
    - Go to your action's page and click in the tab "Edit"
    - Go to the "Expected turnout" space and replace the number of people expected for the number of people that actually participated in your action.

3) Invite people to join

As the website is the main source of information about World Social Forum 2008, we suggest you to invite your friends to join it, so they can contribute on this collective memory building.

To invite a friend, go to you action page and locate the "ivite a friend" field on the right sidebar. Insert his/her email and click on "send invite".

Registering on the website and joining an Action Space allows anyone to publicize pictures, videos, news and audio files about a specific action that happened in January 26th.

WSF Office - Brazil
Address: Rua General Jardim, 660, 7th floor, São Paulo - SP- Brasil, Zip Code: 01223-010

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